田中ユ眼精疲労が酷く通っています。とても上手な先生で親身に処置していただき、かなり症状が改善しました。 (Translated by Google) I am suffering from severe eye strain. I was treated by a very skilled docto...眼精疲労が酷く通っています。とても上手な先生で親身に処置していただき、かなり症状が改善しました。
(Translated by Google)
I am suffering from severe eye strain. I was treated by a very skilled doctor who treated me very kindly, and my symptoms improved considerably. -
茉いつもありがとうございます♪ 住吉駅の近くでとても通いやすいです! 骨盤矯正で歪みなどを治していただいています。 施術終わりはいつもスッキリして帰宅してます! これからもよろしくお願いします! (Transla...いつもありがとうございます♪
(Translated by Google)
Thank you as always♪
It's very easy to get to because it's near Sumiyoshi Station!
We use pelvic correction to correct distortions.
I always go home feeling refreshed after my treatment!
Thank you for your continued support! -
(Translated by Google)
After giving birth to my second child, I received help with postpartum pelvic correction. I started going to the clinic about 2 months after giving birth because I could no longer bear the pain caused by my hunchback and pelvic distortion. As soon as I started going to the clinic, my symptoms started to get lighter. They took care of my children even when I was bringing them with me, so I was able to relax and feel at ease. thank you very much. -
(Translated by Google)
I am undergoing pelvic correction after giving birth to my second child. You can feel at ease with careful treatment while monitoring your body condition every time, and the partitioned space makes you feel comfortable. I am able to bring my child into the hospital in a stroller, and the staff sometimes check on me, which is very helpful. -
阿知波佐枝子整体と美容鍼で通っています。 整体は産後の矯正で通いはじめて6年目、今では骨盤以外の整体も行っていただき、全体のメンテナンスをしてくださっています。 仕事で目を酷使しますが、美容鍼をしていただいた後は...整体と美容鍼で通っています。
(Translated by Google)
I go there for chiropractic and cosmetic acupuncture.
It's been 6 years since I started going to the chiropractor for postpartum correction, and now he also performs chiropractic care on areas other than the pelvis, and does overall maintenance.
I put a lot of strain on my eyes at work, but after receiving cosmetic acupuncture, I feel like my eyes are wide open.
All the teachers are easy to talk to and the atmosphere is comfortable. -
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for all your help from the time I was pregnant until after I gave birth...! Since I was pregnant, I've had back pain that was so painful that it was painful to walk, but since I started going to the clinic, I've gotten much better, and after giving birth, I've been having knee pain in addition to my back pain, but this is also knee pain. It has almost completely healed and I feel refreshed now! ! My lower back pain has gotten much better, and I feel like my body has gotten better from my disappointing body shape due to my pelvis that widened after giving birth! I'm so glad I found this place where I can go from pregnancy to postpartum! Above all, I was so grateful to be able to go to a place with my child after giving birth...! it was very helpful! ! Thank you! -
Kumiko I.いつもお世話になっています。頭痛、肩こりなど全身かなり辛い時に施術していただいた際も、とても身体が楽になり大変助かりました。スタッフの方も丁寧に対応してくださいます。 (Translated by Google) Thank ...いつもお世話になっています。頭痛、肩こりなど全身かなり辛い時に施術していただいた際も、とても身体が楽になり大変助かりました。スタッフの方も丁寧に対応してくださいます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your continued support. Even when I had a lot of pain all over my body, such as headaches and stiff shoulders, I had the treatment done, and it really helped me feel better. The staff will also treat you courteously. -
(Translated by Google)
I had numbness and pain from my lower back to my toes, and the pain was the worst when I woke up in the morning, so I took care of them, but after one treatment, the pain the next morning was usually a 10, but it was reduced to about a 2. So I was surprised. I will be taking care of you for a while so that this can continue. -
I.M主に鍼灸でお世話になりました。 不妊治療をしていたのですが、通い始めて2ヶ月くらいで妊娠することができ、その後のつわりや不調にも色々と対応していただけ、無事安定期までこれました。ありがとうございます...主に鍼灸でお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
I mainly received help from acupuncture.
I was undergoing infertility treatment, but I was able to get pregnant within 2 months of commencing treatment, and after that, she helped me with various morning sickness and complaints, and I was able to safely reach a stable stage. thank you. -
Ai Miyazaki産後の骨盤矯正をしていただき、尾骶骨の痛みがスッカリ良くなりました!施術中泣いてしまった子どもを優しくあやしていただいて大変助かりました^^ (Translated by Google) I received postpartum pelvic cor...産後の骨盤矯正をしていただき、尾骶骨の痛みがスッカリ良くなりました!施術中泣いてしまった子どもを優しくあやしていただいて大変助かりました^^
(Translated by Google)
I received postpartum pelvic correction, and the pain in my coccyx has completely improved! It was very helpful for me to kindly comfort my child who cried during the treatment ^^ -
ななみスタッフの方がいつも明るく迎えてくれます。自分の身体のどの部分が何の痛みに繋がっているかをわかりやすく説明してくれて、納得と実感を伴いながら施術を受けれます。 (Translated by Google) The staff alwa...スタッフの方がいつも明るく迎えてくれます。自分の身体のどの部分が何の痛みに繋がっているかをわかりやすく説明してくれて、納得と実感を伴いながら施術を受けれます。
(Translated by Google)
The staff always welcome you cheerfully. She explains in an easy-to-understand manner what parts of my body are connected to what pain, and I can receive the treatment with both understanding and feeling. -
y痛みがあり自宅から近いところでマタニティ整体があるという事で初めて訪問しました。 施術日の夜、痛みが半減し、翌日更に半減、その翌日にはほぼ痛みがなくなりました! (Translated by Google) I visited for...痛みがあり自宅から近いところでマタニティ整体があるという事で初めて訪問しました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for the first time because I was in pain and there was a maternity chiropractor near my home.
On the night of the treatment, the pain was reduced by half, the next day it was further reduced by half, and the next day the pain was almost gone! -
真貴子mama生活の一部♡ 行かないと不安になります。 お通じも良くなり、夜も良く寝れます。 スタッフ皆さんがいつもニコニコ笑顔で気持ちの良い整骨院です^_^ 小さなお子さんがいても安心して通えてママさん達の強い味方じ...生活の一部♡
(Translated by Google)
Part of life ♡
I feel anxious if I don't go.
Your bowel movements will improve and you will be able to sleep better at night.
This is a comfortable osteopathic clinic where all the staff are always smiling ^_^
Even if you have small children, you can come here with peace of mind and I think it is a strong ally for mothers ♡
If I had known about it when my children were small, I would have loved to attend. -
林郁理香産前のマタニティ整体、産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。 いつも丁寧に施術してくださり、身体が驚くほど楽になります! 施術中は子どもも見てもらうこともでき、先生方も親切で安心して受けることができ...産前のマタニティ整体、産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
We provide maternity treatment before childbirth and pelvic correction after childbirth.
He always performs the treatments carefully and makes my body feel amazingly relaxed!
Children are welcome to watch during the treatment, and the teachers are friendly and feel at ease.
My husband has also started going here, and my whole family has been taking care of it. Thank you as always! -
Cana Benten首の調子が悪くなり再訪しました。 今の体調に合わせて微弱な電流を流しながら施術してもらったのですが 少しの力で全然痛みはなくツボの深くまでほぐされるのか身体が軽くなりました。 夜は久々にぐっすり眠れて...首の調子が悪くなり再訪しました。
(Translated by Google)
I came back because my neck was not feeling well.
I had the treatment done while applying a weak electric current to suit my current physical condition.
With just a little force, there was no pain at all, and my body felt lighter as if the pressure points were deeply relaxed.
I was thankful that I was able to sleep soundly at night for the first time in a while.
I would like to go there for a while. -
小宮正志親切、丁寧な接客をしていただけ、大満足です! (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with the kind and courteous customer service!親切、丁寧な接客をしていただけ、大満足です!
(Translated by Google)
I am very satisfied with the kind and courteous customer service! -
福田雪子産前産後の体の不調を整えてもらい、とても楽になりました。施術中は2歳と0歳の子供を見ててもらえるのがとてもありがたいです! (Translated by Google) My physical condition before and after childbirth wa...産前産後の体の不調を整えてもらい、とても楽になりました。施術中は2歳と0歳の子供を見ててもらえるのがとてもありがたいです!
(Translated by Google)
My physical condition before and after childbirth was taken care of, and I felt much better. I am very grateful to be able to watch over my 2 year old and 0 year old children during the treatment! -
TOMOKO SHIBUTANI変形性股関節症からの骨盤の歪みがあり、2月からすみれ鍼灸整骨院さんで骨盤矯正、姿勢矯正の治療を受けています。 初日から治療後は体が軽く感じられ、毎回その時の状態を見て施術してくださるようで、現在は股...変形性股関節症からの骨盤の歪みがあり、2月からすみれ鍼灸整骨院さんで骨盤矯正、姿勢矯正の治療を受けています。
(Translated by Google)
I have pelvic distortion due to osteoarthritis, and since February I have been receiving pelvic correction and posture correction treatment at Sumire Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic.
From the first day after the treatment, my body felt lighter, and it seems that each time I perform the treatment, I am looking at my current condition, and I am happy that I can now feel that the movement of my hip and knee joints has become smoother.
The director and all the staff are kind and pleasant, and I enjoy coming here.
Osteoarthritis of the hip is not a disease that can be completely cured, so we hope to continue working with you for a long time. -
いy子連れで利用しやすく駅近くて便利です。 (Translated by Google) It's convenient for families with children and it's close to the station.子連れで利用しやすく駅近くて便利です。
(Translated by Google)
It's convenient for families with children and it's close to the station. -
べび産後の骨盤矯正で通っています。 行くたびに身体が軽くなるのを感じることが出来、スタッフの方々もとても優しく通いやすいです。 (Translated by Google) I go here for postpartum pelvic correction. I can f...産後の骨盤矯正で通っています。
(Translated by Google)
I go here for postpartum pelvic correction.
I can feel my body becoming lighter every time I go, and the staff are very kind and easy to visit. -
K K産後2ヶ月より週に一回施術していただいてます。妊娠中からあった腰の痛みと骨盤の歪みが行くたび改善されているのが実感できます。スタッフさんも優しから子供を連れて行けるのでこれからも通いたいと思います。...産後2ヶ月より週に一回施術していただいてます。妊娠中からあった腰の痛みと骨盤の歪みが行くたび改善されているのが実感できます。スタッフさんも優しから子供を連れて行けるのでこれからも通いたいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I have been receiving the treatment once a week since 2 months after giving birth. I can feel that the pain in my lower back and the distortion in my pelvis that I had been having since pregnancy have improved with each visit. I would like to continue coming here because the staff are so kind and I can take my kids there. -
om om姿勢矯正で通っています。 毎回丁寧に施術してくださります。 (Translated by Google) I go there for posture correction. He performs the treatment carefully every time.姿勢矯正で通っています。
(Translated by Google)
I go there for posture correction.
He performs the treatment carefully every time. -
m yマタニティ整体から産後骨盤矯正までお世話になりました。家の近くの整体にも行きましたがなかなか効果が感じられず、、こちらは施術終わりには体が楽になるのを実感することができてとてもよかったです。おすす...マタニティ整体から産後骨盤矯正までお世話になりました。家の近くの整体にも行きましたがなかなか効果が感じられず、、こちらは施術終わりには体が楽になるのを実感することができてとてもよかったです。おすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for all your help, from maternity chiropractic care to postpartum pelvic correction. I went to a chiropractor near my house, but I didn't really feel any effects, so I was really happy that I was able to feel my body feel better after the treatment. Recommended. -
いわくんいつも丁寧な施術をありがとうございます。 膝の痛みが発作的に出ますがあまり長引かず治るようになってきました。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your always thorough treatment. I have been having ...いつも丁寧な施術をありがとうございます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your always thorough treatment.
I have been having bouts of knee pain, but it doesn't last long and it's getting better. -
(Translated by Google)
Among the many osteopathic clinics in Higashinada Ward, we have good reviews for postpartum pelvic correction, and it is very easy to visit as you can receive treatment while leaving your child there. Even though my body is worn out from daily childcare, going to the hospital makes my body feel much better. The difficulty in walking after giving birth has also improved considerably. -
(Translated by Google)
I go here for postpartum pelvic correction. If you have back pain or stiff shoulders from carrying your child, she listens to you and performs the treatment, making it much easier! ! The staff are very friendly and talk to us and it's a fun time, and the kids say they had fun too, so you can leave them with peace of mind! -
香川広夢首と肩が痛く、整体と鍼治療をして頂きました! 一回の治療で痛みもマシになり動かせるようになって非常に良かったです。 身体の不調に対して親身に相談に乗ってしっかりと治療してもらえるので、オススメです☆ ...首と肩が痛く、整体と鍼治療をして頂きました!
(Translated by Google)
I had pain in my neck and shoulders and received chiropractic and acupuncture treatment!
After just one treatment, the pain subsided and I was able to move again, which was great.
I highly recommend it because you can get a friendly consultation and get proper treatment for your physical ailments. -
nyanko kameギックリ腰がきっかけで定期的に通わせていただいています。 歩くのも痛くて辛かったのですが、施術してもらいとても楽になり感動しました。 産後のメンテナンスも全くしてこなかったので、ギックリ腰をきっかけ...ギックリ腰がきっかけで定期的に通わせていただいています。
(Translated by Google)
I go to see him regularly because I have a stiff lower back.
It was painful and painful to walk, but after the treatment I felt much better and was impressed.
I haven't done any postpartum maintenance, so I started having my pelvis corrected using coupons after my lower back became stiff.
If you have severe shoulder stiffness, he will focus on your shoulders, or if your back hurts, he will assess your condition and provide appropriate treatment, so you can feel at ease every time. -
田中産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。 毎回その時の体の状態に合わせて施術してくださり、とても気持ちいいです! また回数券でお得になります。 子供を見ていただけるのも大変ありがたいです! (Translated ...産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help with postpartum pelvic correction.
The treatment is tailored to my body condition each time, and it feels great!
You can also save money with multiple tickets.
I'm very grateful to be able to see my children! -
さゆまる産後の骨盤矯正で利用しています。 骨盤だけでなく肩こりなどの悩みも聞いていただき丁寧に施術していただいています。 通い始めて3ヶ月ほどでだいぶ足腰まわりがスッキリした気がします。 施術のあいだ子供を見...産後の骨盤矯正で利用しています。
(Translated by Google)
It is used for postpartum pelvic correction.
We listen to your concerns not only about your pelvis, but also your stiff shoulders, and provide careful treatment.
It's been about 3 months since I started going, and I feel like my legs and hips have become much better.
You can watch your child during the treatment, so you can feel at ease. -
Yoriko Inoue家族の紹介で3人目出産後の骨盤矯正で通わせて頂きました。 里帰りだったこともあり日数が限られてましたが、6回通い産前のズボンがすんなり入るようになりました。 院内も綺麗でスタッフの方もフレンドリーで話...家族の紹介で3人目出産後の骨盤矯正で通わせて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
A family member introduced me to him for pelvic correction after giving birth to my third child.
I had a limited number of days because I was returning home, but after 6 visits, I was able to fit into my pre-natal pants easily.
The clinic was clean, the staff was friendly and easy to talk to, and I enjoyed every visit. I would definitely like to use it again when I return home. -
はらぴ産後一年以上経過していましたが、骨盤のずれと股関節が痛くなり骨盤矯正の目的で通院しました。 子供2人連れでしたが、好きなアニメをiPadで見たり、おもちゃで遊んでくださったので私もゆっくり施術していただ...産後一年以上経過していましたが、骨盤のずれと股関節が痛くなり骨盤矯正の目的で通院しました。
(Translated by Google)
More than a year had passed since I gave birth, but my pelvis was out of alignment and my hip joint was hurting, so I went to the hospital for pelvic correction.
I had two children with me, but they watched their favorite anime on their iPads and played with their toys, so I was able to take my time during the treatment. I've been in the hospital for about 3 months and the pain in my hip joint has subsided, and I'm really grateful. -
Shino HW交通事故の治療で通い始めましたが、整体の施術だけでなく、美容鍼やフットマッサージ等の美容関係のメニューも豊富でその時のお悩みに合わせてお世話になっています。リラクゼーションサロンと違い治療がリーズ...交通事故の治療で通い始めましたが、整体の施術だけでなく、美容鍼やフットマッサージ等の美容関係のメニューも豊富でその時のお悩みに合わせてお世話になっています。リラクゼーションサロンと違い治療がリーズナブルな金額で受けれるのてオススメです!
(Translated by Google)
I started coming here to receive treatment for a traffic accident, but in addition to chiropractic treatments, they also offer a wide variety of beauty-related treatments such as cosmetic acupuncture and foot massage, depending on your concerns at the time. Unlike relaxation salons, you can receive treatment at a reasonable price, so we recommend it!
It is very convenient as it is just a short walk from JR Sumiyoshi in Higashinada Ward. -
ゆみちん産後の骨盤矯正と楽トレでお世話になっています。施術後は腰の痛みも軽減し、帰宅時はいつも足取りが軽いです♪ 楽トレも本当に寝ているだけなので楽ちん。インナーマッスルグリグリ動かされている感じが凄いです...産後の骨盤矯正と楽トレでお世話になっています。施術後は腰の痛みも軽減し、帰宅時はいつも足取りが軽いです♪
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help with postpartum pelvic correction and easy training. After the treatment, the pain in my lower back has been reduced, and I always feel light on my feet when I go home.
Raku training is also easy because you are really just sleeping. The feeling of my inner muscles being moved is amazing!
The doctors are all very easy to talk to and ask questions, and the clinic has a bright and relaxing atmosphere. There are many people who come with their children, and you can rest assured that they will be with you during the treatment. Thank you very much for your continued support. I will go again! -
舞骨盤矯正で通っていました。 とても丁寧に施術してくださります。 子連れの方も多く見られて 産後安心して施術できる環境だと思います。 また何かあれば通おうと思います。 (Translated by Google) I went there...骨盤矯正で通っていました。
(Translated by Google)
I went there for pelvic correction.
He performs the surgery very carefully.
Many people with children were also seen.
I think it's an environment where you can feel safe undergoing treatment after giving birth.
I'll come back if I need anything else. -
新川雅司体調回復にはすみれ‼️ (Translated by Google) Sumire for your health recovery!! ️体調回復にはすみれ‼️
(Translated by Google)
Sumire for your health recovery!! ️ -
Rika Kotaki産後の骨盤矯正で、産後2ヶ月目から通っています。週1回ペースで2ヶ月程施術を受けた結果、骨盤周りがスッキリし、ズボンのサイズもダウン、効果を実感しています。施術は手技でしっかり行っていただいてるので満...産後の骨盤矯正で、産後2ヶ月目から通っています。週1回ペースで2ヶ月程施術を受けた結果、骨盤周りがスッキリし、ズボンのサイズもダウン、効果を実感しています。施術は手技でしっかり行っていただいてるので満足度が高いです。施術中は娘を院内で見ていただいています。先生方は子供をあやすのが上手なので娘はいつもご機嫌(^^)子連れで安心して通える鍼灸接骨院です。
(Translated by Google)
I've been coming here since 2 months after giving birth for postpartum pelvic correction. After undergoing the treatment once a week for about two months, I can feel the effects as my pelvic area feels refreshed and my pants size has decreased. I am very satisfied with the treatment because it is performed manually. During the treatment, my daughter is watched in the hospital. The teachers are good at soothing children, so my daughter is always in a good mood (^^) This is an acupuncture and orthopedic clinic where you can feel safe bringing your children. -
aya産後の骨盤矯正で利用しました。ベビーカーで入れたり、バウンサーを用意してくださったりと生後2ヶ月の子連れでも安心して通院できました。 接骨院に通うのは初めてで不安もありましたが、スタッフの方も優しく...産後の骨盤矯正で利用しました。ベビーカーで入れたり、バウンサーを用意してくださったりと生後2ヶ月の子連れでも安心して通院できました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for postpartum pelvic correction. I was able to come to the hospital with peace of mind even with my 2-month-old child, as they allowed me to bring my baby in a stroller and provided a bouncer.
It was my first time going to an orthopedic clinic and I was a little nervous, but the staff were kind and the treatments weren't too painful, so I've been here many times.
After visiting the hospital several times, I was able to wear pants that I couldn't wear after giving birth, and I'm really feeling the effects! -
(Translated by Google)
I fell down after giving birth and couldn't bear the pain in my back anymore.I also have a child, so I chose a place that was easy to go to. I was surprised at how thorough the initial consultation was and the director was able to guess the painful area just by touching it. I received manual therapy and acupuncture treatment, which was my first time in my life, and I didn't know how effective it was.
After a night's sleep, I was still in pain, but it turned into "a pain that makes my voice come out → a pleasant muscle ache".
I have recovered to the point where I can read Nenne's picture book aloud to my children. I just went there for the second time today, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it heals.Since it's still undergoing treatment, I'll give it a ④ rating. -
c猫背を改善したいと思い半年ほど通わせて通わせて頂いてます。 施術は毎回丁寧でとても満足しています。 骨盤の歪みも整ってきたのか腰周りと足が細くなりました\(^0^)/ (Translated by Google) I have been ...猫背を改善したいと思い半年ほど通わせて通わせて頂いてます。
(Translated by Google)
I have been going to see him for about half a year because I want to improve my hunched back.
Every treatment is thorough and I am very satisfied.
Perhaps the distortion in my pelvis has been corrected, and my waist and legs have become thinner\(^0^)/ -
まー.毎回丁寧に施術して頂いています。肩こりがひどいので、とても助かっています。 (Translated by Google) The treatment is performed carefully every time. I have terrible stiff shoulders, so this is a gre...毎回丁寧に施術して頂いています。肩こりがひどいので、とても助かっています。
(Translated by Google)
The treatment is performed carefully every time. I have terrible stiff shoulders, so this is a great help. -
MAYU Tお世話になっております*\(^o^)/*親切丁寧! (Translated by Google) Thank you for your help *\(^o^)/* Kind and courteous!お世話になっております*\(^o^)/*親切丁寧!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help *\(^o^)/* Kind and courteous! -
grace mermaid
あつこ仕事で無理な姿勢を取ることが多く体が慢性的に痛くなりやすいので、通っています。 いつもどこが痛いか聞いてくださって、自分に合った治療をして下さいます。とても親しみやすく、良心的な先生で、今後も通い続...仕事で無理な姿勢を取ることが多く体が慢性的に痛くなりやすいので、通っています。
(Translated by Google)
I go to the clinic because I often find myself in uncomfortable positions at work, which tends to cause chronic pain in my body.
He always listens to me where it hurts and gives me the treatment that is right for me. He is a very friendly and conscientious teacher, and I plan to continue attending him in the future. Acupuncture is also recommended when my body hurts too much, and my acupuncture teacher is very kind and I love it! Also, the price is reasonable! -
K N妊娠中に足からお尻の付け根が痛くなり、うかがいました。1回で改善され、出産までに治ったのでよかったです。 産後の骨盤ケアもお願いしてます。私は連れて行ったことがないですが、事前連絡すれば子供連れでも...妊娠中に足からお尻の付け根が痛くなり、うかがいました。1回で改善され、出産までに治ったのでよかったです。
(Translated by Google)
During my pregnancy, I experienced pain from my legs to the base of my buttocks, so I went to see a doctor. I'm glad that it improved after just one treatment and was resolved by the time I gave birth.
We also ask for postpartum pelvic care. I've never taken them there, but I heard that it's okay to bring children if you let us know in advance. -
a.u家族でお世話になっております。施術も個人の要望に合わせていただけるので、継続的に通院して、家族皆、調子が良くなっています(笑) 医院の方、皆様、優しく、明るく、いつも元気ももらっています。 私は、股関...家族でお世話になっております。施術も個人の要望に合わせていただけるので、継続的に通院して、家族皆、調子が良くなっています(笑)
(Translated by Google)
My family is taking care of me. Treatments can be tailored to individual needs, so I continue to visit the hospital and my whole family is feeling better (lol).
Everyone at the clinic is kind, cheerful, and always gives me energy.
I have been experiencing discomfort in my hip joint and have been going to the hospital, but they also offer treatments such as cosmetic acupuncture, so I'm thinking of trying them out soon! -
Sakura Tohma産後の骨盤ケアで利用させていただきました。一通り終わる頃には痛みもかなり少なくなり体もスッキリしました。トレーニングの仕方も教えてもらえたので続けて体のメンテナンスをしようと思います。通うたびに体...産後の骨盤ケアで利用させていただきました。一通り終わる頃には痛みもかなり少なくなり体もスッキリしました。トレーニングの仕方も教えてもらえたので続けて体のメンテナンスをしようと思います。通うたびに体がリラックスしました。ありがとうございました!
(Translated by Google)
I used it for postpartum pelvic care. By the time I finished, the pain was significantly less and my body felt refreshed. I was also taught how to train, so I will continue to maintain my body. My body felt relaxed every time I went there. thank you very much! -
も姿勢が良くなりました〜! (Translated by Google) My posture has improved!姿勢が良くなりました〜!
(Translated by Google)
My posture has improved! -
(Translated by Google)
I received cosmetic acupuncture and head massage! The staff were very kind and the space was comfortable.⭐︎I had the impression that beauty services would be expensive, but this place is very cheap, but there are also acupuncturists and the service is of very high quality, so it's easy to keep going. I felt that. After I finished taking it, my head and face area felt refreshed and I definitely want to take it again next time! Highly recommended (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ -
YUKIいつもお世話になっております (Translated by Google) thank you alwaysいつもお世話になっております
(Translated by Google)
thank you always -
(Translated by Google)
I am always indebted to the director, Dr. Takeda, at seminars and study sessions. Previously, when I was having trouble sleeping, he treated me accurately on the spot, and even provided me with a chiropractor to help me align my body. As a result, the pain in my neck subsided, and my body feels much better. That section was really helpful. thank you. He has a gentle and kind personality, and is a handsome man who values his family. If you live in Kobe City or the Hanshin area and are feeling unwell, please consult Dr. Takeda at Sumire Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic. -
坂本真美いつも丁寧に施術していただけます。毎回確実に身体の状態が改善しているのを実感しています。 (Translated by Google) You will always be treated with care. I feel like my physical condition is definitel...いつも丁寧に施術していただけます。毎回確実に身体の状態が改善しているのを実感しています。
(Translated by Google)
You will always be treated with care. I feel like my physical condition is definitely improving each time. -
kyoko nakagawaすみれ鍼灸整骨院さんにお世話になって6ヶ月になります。施術を受ける前までは、滑り症による坐骨神経痛でお尻からふくらはぎまでの鋭い痛みと痺れで毎日が不安との戦いでした。週1ペースで鍼と整体の施術を受け...すみれ鍼灸整骨院さんにお世話になって6ヶ月になります。施術を受ける前までは、滑り症による坐骨神経痛でお尻からふくらはぎまでの鋭い痛みと痺れで毎日が不安との戦いでした。週1ペースで鍼と整体の施術を受け、今ではお陰様で徒歩でのお買い物も苦にならず散歩も日課になりました。
(Translated by Google)
It has been 6 months since Sumire Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic took care of me. Before undergoing the treatment, I was battling anxiety every day due to sciatica caused by spondylolisthesis, which caused sharp pain and numbness from my buttocks to my calves. I receive acupuncture and chiropractic treatments once a week, and now I don't have to worry about going shopping on foot and walking has become part of my daily routine.
The doctors are very friendly, so it's easy to talk to them about various things, and the doctors are thorough in their treatment while monitoring your physical condition.I'm always impressed by the sincerity of the doctors.
Even if this pain has completely healed, I would like to have regular check-ups for pelvic misalignment and body distortion.
Thank you for your continued support. -
Asanoha Takedaキャビテーションおすすめです!キャビテーションができる整骨院はなかなかないです。産後ケアで毎週お世話になってます。スタッフのみなさんも気さくでいい人ばかりです。子供を連れて行ったら見ててくれて助か...キャビテーションおすすめです!キャビテーションができる整骨院はなかなかないです。産後ケアで毎週お世話になってます。スタッフのみなさんも気さくでいい人ばかりです。子供を連れて行ったら見ててくれて助かっています⭐︎
(Translated by Google)
Cavitation is recommended! There are not many osteopathic clinics that can perform cavitation. I am indebted to her every week for postpartum care. All the staff are friendly and nice. When I bring my kids, they watch over me, which is helpful ⭐︎ -
yosuke takemasa追突事故によるムチウチ治療の為通院中です。 週3日程のペースで通院を続けていますが、頭痛と首の痛みがほぼ無くなり、大変感謝しております。 妻も産後骨盤矯正の為通院していますが、施術が丁寧でとても良いと...追突事故によるムチウチ治療の為通院中です。
(Translated by Google)
I am currently in the hospital for whiplash treatment due to a rear-end collision.
I continue to visit the hospital three days a week, and my headaches and neck pain are almost gone, and I am very grateful.
My wife also visits the hospital for postpartum pelvic correction, and she says that the treatment is thorough and very good. -
かねり腰痛や肩こりで定期的に通っています。 明るい雰囲気で入りやすいところです。 施術もツボに入る感じでよく効くように感じます。 (Translated by Google) I go to see him regularly for lower back pain and st...腰痛や肩こりで定期的に通っています。
(Translated by Google)
I go to see him regularly for lower back pain and stiff shoulders.
It's a bright and easy-to-enter place.
I feel that the treatment works well as it hits the pressure points. -
Mai H産後の疲労で体がボロボロだったので来ました。たった一回の治療で効果を実感!!その後も定期的にお世話になって体を整えて頂いています。 (Translated by Google) I came here because my body was exhausted ...産後の疲労で体がボロボロだったので来ました。たった一回の治療で効果を実感!!その後も定期的にお世話になって体を整えて頂いています。
(Translated by Google)
I came here because my body was exhausted from postpartum fatigue. Feel the effect after just one treatment! ! Since then, I have been receiving regular care and taking care of my body. -
Masaki Kawamura肩と腰両方完璧にしてくれました! マジで良かったです。 (Translated by Google) It made both my shoulders and hips perfect! It was really good.肩と腰両方完璧にしてくれました! マジで良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
It made both my shoulders and hips perfect! It was really good. -
津川洋子家族で通わせて頂いています。 孫の急なお願いも聞いて頂いて助かりした。 皆さん優しく対応してくださり、心も体も軽くなって帰れます。 (Translated by Google) My family goes here. Thank you for listening...家族で通わせて頂いています。
(Translated by Google)
My family goes here.
Thank you for listening to my grandson's sudden request.
Everyone treated me kindly, and I was able to go home with a lighter mind and body. -
松岡ちさといつも通わせて頂いてます。スタッフの皆さんも明るく行きやすいです。 行くと身体も楽になり、痛みもとれます。 これからも通わせて頂きたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) I come here all the time. Al...いつも通わせて頂いてます。スタッフの皆さんも明るく行きやすいです。
(Translated by Google)
I come here all the time. All the staff are cheerful and easy to get to.
When you go, your body will feel better and your pain will go away.
I would like to continue to visit you. -
Goto Daiアットホームな雰囲気でいつもお世話になっています。体の歪みと痛みの関係をきちんと説明していただけるため、納得して治療を受けることができます。ベビー整体等イベントもあり、気軽に参加することができます...アットホームな雰囲気でいつもお世話になっています。体の歪みと痛みの関係をきちんと説明していただけるため、納得して治療を受けることができます。ベビー整体等イベントもあり、気軽に参加することができます。
(Translated by Google)
We always have a homely atmosphere and are always here to help. We can thoroughly explain the relationship between body distortion and pain, so you can receive treatment with confidence. There are also events such as baby chiropractic, which you can easily participate in. -
Mamabu Yamahana先生をはじめ、受付の人も気さくで感じがよい。院内での施術だけでなく、家で出来るエクササイズ等を教えてくれて、とても親切。 (Translated by Google) The teachers and the reception staff are friendly an...先生をはじめ、受付の人も気さくで感じがよい。院内での施術だけでなく、家で出来るエクササイズ等を教えてくれて、とても親切。
(Translated by Google)
The teachers and the reception staff are friendly and pleasant. In addition to in-hospital treatments, she taught me exercises that I could do at home and was very kind. -
幸代友達に紹介してもらって通ってます。 長年ひどい肩こりで悩んでいましたが、ここで施術してもらう様になってから、かなり楽になって助かってます。 (Translated by Google) I'm going here because a friend int...友達に紹介してもらって通ってます。
(Translated by Google)
I'm going here because a friend introduced me to it.
I've been suffering from severe shoulder stiffness for many years, but since I started receiving treatment here, I feel much better. -
Keita Yamaguchi
akio miyabe
山本利香いつもお世話になってます 雰囲気がとても良くいつも癒されてます 身体も随分と楽になりました (Translated by Google) Thank you for always taking care of me The atmosphere is very good and I always feel...いつもお世話になってます
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for always taking care of me
The atmosphere is very good and I always feel relaxed.
My body feels much better too -
脇昌子いつも お世話になっています お友達の紹介で来てから 週一回ですが肩凝りや腰痛も楽になり 首の凝りもほぐれる迄治療して頂き 帰りには軽くなって スッキリです これからも続けようと思ってます (Translated by...いつも お世話になっています
帰りには軽くなって スッキリです
(Translated by Google)
I am always indebted
I came here because a friend introduced me.
I only use it once a week, but it relieves stiff shoulders and lower back pain.
I received treatment until the stiffness in my neck was relieved.
I feel lighter and refreshed on the way home.
I plan to continue -
ふくちゃん春から世の中が一変して、困難な状況となっても、患者さまの為に、といつも お心配りを忘れず、笑顔で迎えてくださるので 本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです からだを整えることで、免疫力をあげて こころも整...春から世の中が一変して、困難な状況となっても、患者さまの為に、といつも
お心配りを忘れず、笑顔で迎えてくださるので 本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです
(Translated by Google)
Even though the world has changed completely since spring and the situation is difficult, we will always do our best for our patients.
I am truly grateful for your concern and for welcoming me with a smile.
Improve your immunity by taking care of your body
I think it is very important right now to prepare your mind and body so that you can live a calm life.
Even if I feel anxious and my heart sinks
When you come to Sumire, you will always be treated with compassion, so please support your health.
I think I'll try my best to live tomorrow as well.
in particular…
In addition to treatment, we consulted about the importance of taking vitamins to help maintain menopausal symptoms and mental and physical health, and because we do not want to weaken our immune system in this situation.
Understood, supplements (I choose the various vitamins I need) and
To improve dry or rough skin caused by masks and disinfectants, we also offer soaps, lotions, and creams that do not contain any substances that are not good for the body (they also healed burns).
I am using
All of which are things you don't want to put into your body.
Because it is not contained, it is sensitive to everything.
It suits me very well and I can live my daily life with great peace of mind.
I'm happy
(↑Added with gratitude. Fall 2020)
We provide a very gentle and warm atmosphere, allowing you to examine your entire body. I think it's very attractive that there are various menus such as acupuncture and chiropractic, and you can maintain your body and mind in a healthy and beautiful manner. Everyone is kind, so you can feel at ease.
Even if you're wondering if it's okay to consult with us, or if you're feeling a little embarrassed or anxious, we'll help you with any symptoms you may have.
When I went to the bathroom, she left a paper and pencil for me and said, ``If you have something difficult to say, please write it here.'' I was touched by his casual kindness and warmth.
Cosmetic acupuncture is also good for the skin and helped with headaches and eye strain.
They'll work with you to find what's right for you, such as manual techniques and acupuncture, so you can really feel at ease and talk about anything.
I am very grateful that I have become healthy both physically and mentally.
As we get older, we tend to become weaker, but that anxiety eases and we can go home with a warm feeling.
Sumire Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic is very nice. -
砂原惠海雰囲気もよく、大変癒されています。 (Translated by Google) The atmosphere is good and it's very relaxing.雰囲気もよく、大変癒されています。
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere is good and it's very relaxing. -
黒田真衣いつも楽しく通わせて頂いてます(^^) (Translated by Google) I always have fun visiting you (^^)いつも楽しく通わせて頂いてます(^^)
(Translated by Google)
I always have fun visiting you (^^) -
脇田博幸あたたかい雰囲気で、心も体も癒してもらえます。ベビーマッサージもしていて、子ども連れできても大丈夫!!整体の間はスタッフの方が子ども見てくれるので安心して治療を受けれます。是非おすすめです。 (Transl...あたたかい雰囲気で、心も体も癒してもらえます。ベビーマッサージもしていて、子ども連れできても大丈夫!!整体の間はスタッフの方が子ども見てくれるので安心して治療を受けれます。是非おすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
The warm atmosphere will soothe your mind and body. We also offer baby massages, so you don't have to worry about bringing your children with you! The staff will watch over your children during the treatment, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind. Highly recommended. -
AYA chanJR住吉駅から近くで通いやすく スタッフの皆さんも優しく 質問もしやすく終わった時は 体も悩みもスッキリさせてくれます! (Translated by Google) Easy to access near JR Sumiyoshi Station All the staff ar...JR住吉駅から近くで通いやすく
(Translated by Google)
Easy to access near JR Sumiyoshi Station
All the staff are kind too
When it's easier to ask questions
It will refresh your body and your worries! -
あずさ通って1年半ほど経ちますが、いつも元気良く挨拶して下さり、気持ちも明るくなります! 長いこと悩んでいる肩こりや頭痛に加え、その日の体調を見ながら治療していただけてとても頼りにしています。 朝早くから夜...通って1年半ほど経ちますが、いつも元気良く挨拶して下さり、気持ちも明るくなります!
(Translated by Google)
It's been about a year and a half since I've been coming here, and they always greet me cheerfully and make me feel cheerful!
In addition to the stiff shoulders and headaches that I have been suffering from for a long time, I am able to treat them while keeping an eye on my physical condition that day, which I really rely on.
We are available from early in the morning until late at night, so it's easy to come back after work and continue working. -
あやか毎週通ってます! 遅くまでやっていて仕事帰りに寄りやすいです。毎回丁寧にマッサージをしてくれて身体の様子を見ながら整体してくれます。 ベビー整体なんかもやっていて女性のお客さんが結構多い印象です。 い...毎週通ってます!
(Translated by Google)
I go every week!
It's open late so it's easy to stop by on your way home from work. He gives me a careful massage every time and treats my body while monitoring my condition.
They also do baby chiropractic services, and I get the impression that there are quite a lot of female customers.
Thank you as always! -
船崎麻子いつも本当に丁寧に治療して下さいます!身体の気になる不調にも、親身に相談に乗って頂けて、とても助かっています(o^^o) (Translated by Google) Always treat me with great care! Even when I am concerned ...いつも本当に丁寧に治療して下さいます!身体の気になる不調にも、親身に相談に乗って頂けて、とても助かっています(o^^o)
(Translated by Google)
Always treat me with great care! Even when I am concerned about my physical health, I am able to consult with them kindly, which is very helpful (o^^o) -
荒金真央スタッフのみなさん、笑顔で親しみやすいです。通院して、腰の痛みが和らぎました。 (Translated by Google) All the staff are smiling and friendly. After going to the hospital, the pain in my lower back...スタッフのみなさん、笑顔で親しみやすいです。通院して、腰の痛みが和らぎました。
(Translated by Google)
All the staff are smiling and friendly. After going to the hospital, the pain in my lower back eased. -
武佐杉雄先日身体を痛めて人生で初めて整骨院にいくことに。朝一で急な予約を取らせていただきましたが、対応も丁寧で院内の雰囲気もよかったです。子連れのお客さんも見かけるので町の整骨院といった感じでしょうか。 (...先日身体を痛めて人生で初めて整骨院にいくことに。朝一で急な予約を取らせていただきましたが、対応も丁寧で院内の雰囲気もよかったです。子連れのお客さんも見かけるので町の整骨院といった感じでしょうか。
(Translated by Google)
The other day I hurt my body and decided to go to an osteopathic clinic for the first time in my life. I had to make a last-minute appointment first thing in the morning, but the service was polite and the atmosphere inside the clinic was nice. I see many customers with children, so I guess it's like an osteopathic clinic in town. -
cho********産後、足腰が太くなってしまって、産後の骨盤矯正に駆け込みました! 初めて施術を受けた時から、早くも変化を感じ、通うたびにみるみる痩せて、今、通い始めて3ヶ月ほどですが、産後入らなかったズボンが、ボタ...産後、足腰が太くなってしまって、産後の骨盤矯正に駆け込みました!
先生お上手で気さくで、とてもオススメです!!! -
tyu********技術面では、とても丁寧で体の不具合も割と早く改善されとてもいいです。 が、 通院し続けないと、催促電話が何度もかかってくるのが精神的に苦痛。 仕事で行けないこともあるので、正直、ほかの整骨院に行こう...技術面では、とても丁寧で体の不具合も割と早く改善されとてもいいです。